Category Archives: Microsoft

Microsoft :: Unlimited Storage on OneDrive for Free

                                                           OneDrive now with unlimited storage

In an announcement today Microsoft have made cleared that Office 365 subscribers will now enjoy unlimited storage with OneDrive. This new announcement applies to both consumer and business versions of Office 365. As we all know Microsoft always have something behind Continue reading Microsoft :: Unlimited Storage on OneDrive for Free

What’s New in Skype

Skype Gets Updated 2014

Around two years back Microsoft announced that Skype is going to be the new ad product that will revolutionize the process of telecommunication. Now, talking of the user stats we may come to know that Skype is one of the most widely used communication facility that people use today. That’s why Microsoft has made these stats public taking into consideration that Continue reading What’s New in Skype

Microsoft : Windows Store to support more than modern apps

Store Apps in Windows10
Windows 10 Store Apps

Windows 10 Technical Preview has been released to make Windows 10 the most collaborative OS project ever. Microsoft is making some basic amendments to how its software functions. Start menu has been brought back, functionality of the metro style applications has also been improved. As of now users can only Continue reading Microsoft : Windows Store to support more than modern apps

‘Aero Glass’ Theme Coming to Windows 10

Aero Glass Concept
Aero Glass Concept

There is about 1 and half billion people using windows today, and millions of them use windows 7. Windows 7 is still popular although Microsoft has released its successors in form of Windows 8 and Windows 10 Tech Preview. Windows 7 have helped people get their work done in a great way and still doing it. People still love it reason why? Because Continue reading ‘Aero Glass’ Theme Coming to Windows 10

KeyBoard Shortcuts Windows 10 Technical Preview


Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft’s latest operating system aims to be very much keyboard friendly, most of the Tech enthusiasts are of the view that using shortcut key combinations make your experience much easier. The list of these shortcuts has been posted on Microsoft’s website.

Here is it>> Continue reading KeyBoard Shortcuts Windows 10 Technical Preview

Benefits of Free Licensing @ Microsoft

After yesterday’s Windows 10 unveiling Microsoft took the time to talk about its device strategy for the foreseeable future.
Talking to Re/code’s Ina Fried, Terry Myerson said Microsoft has seen great success with their strategy of giving Windows away for devices smaller than 9 inches. This strategy was revealed early this year at

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VLC: A New Addition in Windows 8.1 App Store

VLC media player has been a top rated and most widely used media player on various kinds of platforms. VLC has collaborations with wide range of OS making Companies.
The team behind the app has made an announcement that VLC is
now released for Microsoft’s Windows 8.1, that can be downloaded from

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Microsoft: Get Technical Preview of Windows 10, FREE*

Threshold 10

As promised, Microsoft has released the Windows 10 Technical Preview .
The OS, which is designed to give you a small flavor of what will be included in the final release of Windows 10, is still an early build. The build number for this release of the OS is 9841 and we know for a fact that

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Cortana will exist across Windows Phone and Windows 10

cortana in W9
Famouse Digital assistant CORTANA in windows10

Cortana will exist across Windows Phone and Windows 10

Microsoft is preparing to include its Cortana digital assistant in the next major version of Windows, currently codenamed Threshold. Windows Threshold is expected to be named Windows 10 when it ships in spring 2015, and sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell TechMarkaz

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Microsoft: Windows 10 will be free for Windows 8 users, Report Says

Major UI Modifications in Windows 9
Microsoft Specifying the user needs in New Windows 10

Microsoft President in Indonesia has stated that Windows 10 will be a free upgrade to existing Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 users. The Technical Preview will be revealed in a Press Conference on September, 30 2014. It will be no difficulty for their existing users of modern Metro style Interface (Windows 8).
The New OS will be delivered through an update to the users. Windows 10 will then automatically be

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