Category Archives: Windows

‘Aero Glass’ Theme Coming to Windows 10

Aero Glass Concept
Aero Glass Concept

There is about 1 and half billion people using windows today, and millions of them use windows 7. Windows 7 is still popular although Microsoft has released its successors in form of Windows 8 and Windows 10 Tech Preview. Windows 7 have helped people get their work done in a great way and still doing it. People still love it reason why? Because Continue reading ‘Aero Glass’ Theme Coming to Windows 10

Microsoft will offer More Stable Options for Windows 10 Updates


Microsoft is planning to give away two options for update program, and users will choose any one of those options.

‘Opt-in’ is the first one and will let you go into updates right as they are out; and most importantly Microsoft representatives have been talking about that these updates are going to be fast Track. As we all know this Pre-Release of Windows 10 is aimed to address issues, and provide updates on regular bases comparatively faster than their rivals. The most important feature people are waiting for is Microsoft’s first digital assistant Continue reading Microsoft will offer More Stable Options for Windows 10 Updates

KeyBoard Shortcuts Windows 10 Technical Preview


Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft’s latest operating system aims to be very much keyboard friendly, most of the Tech enthusiasts are of the view that using shortcut key combinations make your experience much easier. The list of these shortcuts has been posted on Microsoft’s website.

Here is it>> Continue reading KeyBoard Shortcuts Windows 10 Technical Preview

Microsoft: Get Technical Preview of Windows 10, FREE*

Threshold 10

As promised, Microsoft has released the Windows 10 Technical Preview .
The OS, which is designed to give you a small flavor of what will be included in the final release of Windows 10, is still an early build. The build number for this release of the OS is 9841 and we know for a fact that

Continue reading Microsoft: Get Technical Preview of Windows 10, FREE*

Cortana will exist across Windows Phone and Windows 10

cortana in W9
Famouse Digital assistant CORTANA in windows10

Cortana will exist across Windows Phone and Windows 10

Microsoft is preparing to include its Cortana digital assistant in the next major version of Windows, currently codenamed Threshold. Windows Threshold is expected to be named Windows 10 when it ships in spring 2015, and sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell TechMarkaz

Continue reading Cortana will exist across Windows Phone and Windows 10

Microsoft: Windows 10 will be free for Windows 8 users, Report Says

Major UI Modifications in Windows 9
Microsoft Specifying the user needs in New Windows 10

Microsoft President in Indonesia has stated that Windows 10 will be a free upgrade to existing Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 users. The Technical Preview will be revealed in a Press Conference on September, 30 2014. It will be no difficulty for their existing users of modern Metro style Interface (Windows 8).
The New OS will be delivered through an update to the users. Windows 10 will then automatically be

Continue reading Microsoft: Windows 10 will be free for Windows 8 users, Report Says

Microsoft News: ‘Windows 10’ to be announced next week

The San Francisco press conference will introduce the next iteration of Microsoft’s venerable Windows operating system. Most pundits and analysts expect the OS to be dubbed “Windows 10,” with the company sticking with the numerical moniker of the 2012 predecessor. It has also been known by the code name


Presumably set for release in the first half of 2015, Windows 10, may be either the last major release of the operating system or the first in a string of smaller, less-ambitious updates as Microsoft accelerates its already too-fast-for-enterprise release schedule. Microsoft’s official line about the September 30 event is Continue reading Microsoft News: ‘Windows 10’ to be announced next week

Microsoft’s $7.2BN+ Acquisition Of Nokia’s Devices Business Is Now Complete

Microsoft’s $7.2 billion acquisition of Nokia’s devices and services business has been completed. Nokia confirmed the completed transaction in a press release, noting that it has “completed the sale of substantially all of its Devices & Services business to Microsoft” (using the same phrasing it has deployed throughout the process).
Nokia said it expects the final price-tag to be “slightly higher” than the

original figure of €5.44 billion given when the deal was announced last September due to the transaction being “subject to potential purchase price adjustments”:

The estimate of the adjustments made for net working capital and cash earnings was slightly positive for Nokia, and we currently expect the total transaction price to be slightly higher than the earlier-announced transaction price of EUR 5.44 billion after the final adjustments are made based on the verified closing balance sheet.
Another adjustment is to the terms, with Nokia’s manufacturing facilities in Chennai in India and Masan in Korea not transferring to Microsoft. Nokia has been facing ongoing tax proceedings in India which was presumably holding up the deal — hence the workaround, with Nokia noting that it has entered into a service agreement with Microsoft to produce mobile devices for Microsoft. (Some small irony there then, that Nokia is not technicallygetting out of mobile-making altogether.)
The release notes that the Korean facility will be closed by Nokia, with the loss of 200 jobs. But Nokia said it plans to extend “elements” of its Bridge Program — which elsewhere gives support to employees who leave the company to set up their own businesses — to staff in Chennai and Masan.
Amid the uncertainty for our employees in Chennai and because of the planned closure of our facility in Masan, Nokia plans to offer a program of support, including financial assistance which would give our employees the chance to explore opportunities outside Nokia starting from a sound financial base. The company plans to bring to Chennai and Masan elements of its Bridge program, which we have made available for employees affected by company changes in other sites.
The transaction’s closing had been delayed slightly by regulatory hold ups (and presumably also the ongoing Indian factory-related tax affair). The two companies had originally said they expected the deal to close in Q1– but last month bumped that time-frame up to April, saying they were still pending approvals in certain markets.
The deal got the green light in China earlier this month, although the Chinese Ministry of Commerce did have some concerns about how Microsoft’s patent licensing practices might change post-acquisition. And required the company to agree to a list of patent-related commitments to grant approval.
Commenting on the completion of the transaction in a statement today Tom Gibbons, Microsoft corporate vice president who is responsible for the Nokia integration, said the advantages it will bring are greater intimacy between the two entities — which have of course been publicly working together on Windows Phones since their 2011 ‘strategic partnership’ announcement — and greater efficiency.
“Customers should see a bunch of great end-to-end experiences that really empower them to have very enjoyable, very comprehensive solutions to things that they want to get done, whether you’re talking about smartphones or feature phones,” Gibbons added. “The feature phone product family coming to Microsoft will start to have more of the Microsoft services shipped on those phones right out of the gate.”
Specifically Microsoft summed up what it’s getting as follows:
With the deal closed, Microsoft acquires Nokia’s smartphone and mobile phone businesses, its design team, most of its manufacturing and assembly facilities and operations, and sales and marketing support…The acquisition also brings key capabilities around supply chain, distribution, operational processes and systems and skill in managing hardware margins to Microsoft. The unified company will benefit from speedier execution and best-in-class business operations.
It will be interesting to see what Microsoft does with the Nokia X family of smartphones, which are built atop the Android Open Source Project — and sit between Nokia’s feature phones and the full-fat Windows Phone Lumia devices.
Gibbons’ comments about pushing Microsoft services on “feature phones” is opaque on the question of what Microsoft does with Nokia X devices — and whether new CEO, Satya Nadella (pictured below with former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop, who’s now been brought back into the Redmond fold), is willing to give Nokia’s “Lumia feeder” strategy some breathing room (or not).


Microsoft Officially Welcomes the Nokia Devices

Microsoft’s Acquisition of Nokia Mobile Business Completes. Nokia logo gets replaced by Microsoft

Nokia and Microsoft have sent a joint email to Nokia account holders talking about the process of data transfer between the two entities.
The email says that with the sale of Nokia’s sale of its Devices & Services business to Microsoft – expected to be completed this month, the email reiterates – a Microsoft Finnish affiliate named Microsoft Mobile will assume “responsibility for your personal data

and the contractual relationships for the products and services related to this business.” The email adds that customers “should experience no difference as a result of the sale.”

While the name of the entity will be changed to Microsoft Mobile, Microsoft is likely to continue using the Nokia as the consumer-facing brand, having licensed it from the Finnish company earlier.
“Microsoft has also agreed to a 10-year license arrangement with Nokia to use the Nokia brand on current and subsequently developed mobile phones based on the Series 30 and Series 40 operating systems,” Nokia had said soon after announcing the sale of its Devices & Services business to Microsoft.
After the completion of the deal, Nokia will be left with its telecom equipment (NSN), location (HERE) and patent development businesses, would have the right to continue and maintain the Nokia brand, except for certain period as per the agreement.
After the closing of the deal “Nokia would be restricted from licensing the Nokia brand for use in connection with mobile device sales for 30 months and from using the Nokia brand on Nokia’s own mobile devices until December 31, 2015,”.
Update 28 April 2014: Stephen Elop, Executive Vice President of the Microsoft Devices Group, confirmed the above in a ‘ask me anything’ session on the Nokia website saying, “Microsoft Mobile Oy is a legal construct that was created to facilitate the merger. It is not a brand that will be seen by consumers. The Nokia brand is available to Microsoft to use for its mobile phones products for a period of time, but Nokia as a brand will not be used for long going forward for smartphones. Work is underway to select the go forward smartphone brand.”